Converging divergences between artists,designers,architects,engineers.

The studio Fiume Designs seeks to overlap disciplines.


Created in 2016 and based in Portugal, Fiume Designs is a young studio collaborating in projects with diverse scales and natures. These range from a digital platform for communication and web-design, to a physical materialisation with development of artistic installations, products and architectural interventions. Engineering services are offered for technology works, structural design, and other building's specialities. Our working philosophy seeks to encompass in the designing processes an approximation to a transdisciplinary package, by constantly striving to merge sensibility on artistic/conceptual problems together with technical skills of engineering and programming.

"I end up thinking about rivers*, [...]
about how a river takes so long to reach the sea—that is,
it chooses, deliberately, to make a lot of curves,
instead of aiming directly at its goal, [...]
the least you can expect is that it's more or less the same for us,
and that all this sliding to one side and then the other,
as if we were crazy or, worse, lost,
is actually our way of going straight"

João Dias-Oliveira


Building engineer and product designer by formal education.
Artist by professional experience.

The identity of the studio was created following a deep passion for the word fiume, that means river in Italian, and the personal connection with the element of water, brilliantly portrayed in by Alessandro Baricco in 'City'. Hover over the picture to read it.

Hover over to find out more information.

Product Design | Concept Development | Technology | Research


Technical Drawing | 3d Modelling | Graphic Design | Rendering


Hands-on Work Experience | Materials and Tools | Experiments


Software programming | Structural Analysis | Rehabilitation





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To send files, please use the following e-mail:
João Dias-Oliveira |

Or pay us a visit!
Send us feedback via e-mail:
João Dias-Oliveira |