Structural Analysis Software

FEMuA++ is a package capable of performing structural analysis using the Finite Element Method. It was written in C++ language from scratch, working in a console environment, known as black-box where the analysis' algorithms run. It does not have pre- or post-processor integrated but it is currently prepared to function along with GiD software, in order to model the problem, and the see the results from the analysis. FEMuA++ stands for (F)inite (E)lement (M)ethod (u)niversity (A)nalysis (a)veiro C(++).
The present version of the software has implemented (i) Articulated Structures, (ii) 2D, (iii) 3D, (iv) Material properties, Concentrated Loads, Distributed Loads, Imposed Displacements, (v) Eigen Analysis. These analysis can also be performed using the gaussian nodes of order 1 to 6. It also has mesh analysis of quad elements with 4 and 9 gaussian nodes, and triangles with 3 and 6 gaussian nodes.

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