Bending Energy
Product Design

Project developed with I. Coutinho and M. Morais.
Bending Energy is an innovative urban furniture, intended to be energetically independent to offer light and energy to charge devices. The energy is accumulated by a solar panel adjustable on 360 degrees placed on the top of the bench, stored in batteries which charge LED system, movement sensors, and USB plugs.
The product is versatile, easy to use, and allows the assembly as modular parts. The simplicity of its lines can reach users from all ages.
The seat has 1.85 meters of length, 0.60 meters of width and 0.48 meters of height. The total height of the panel is 2.20 meters with a 0.30 per 0.70 meters of horizontal projection. The structure is made from a sheet of Corten Steel with 3 per 0.90 meters, and a thickness of 20 millimetres, manipulated with eleven cuts and five 90 degrees' bend. The other materials are IPE Wood, Acrylic, electronic equipment, and inox steel for anchorages and draining system. Each piece weights 450 kilograms and has a price of 1300 euros.

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