Project developed with J. MourĂ£o, D. Curado, F. Henriques, L. Rodrigues, M. Morais and R. Mendonça.
Prototype fabricated by Larus.
The development of a new urban furniture product developed from conception to prototyping phase.
The object focus on the interference between car parking and protection of trees. Innovation is mainly
attained through the improvement of interaction between object and users, allowing behavioural shift by
combining three conceptual vectors: shape, technology and engineering. Assessment of visibility led the
improvement of shape by increasing its height, technology (such as sensor and lights) was integrated as
an auxiliary warning system, and engineering by introducing flexibility to reduce maintenance costs and
as a passive safety system.
Conceptually a lot of research was given to functionality, support technologies, shape, materials,
The development used rigorous detailing studies, cost, maintenance,
applications and cooperation between possible clients and industry. The bollard was
analysed taking into account its impact on the city morphology, human interaction and behavioural
improvement, by employing advantages provided by design and technology. It was
developed in tight collaboration with different participants from technical backgrounds.